
How it works

Simple & easy hiring

Unlock opportunities for your business and talented Malagasy youth

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Build your team with Onja

Finding the right developers for your team is hassle-free with us.
We nurture the best young talent in Madagascar to become world-class software developers.

  • Work Experience: Minimum 1-2 years
  • Tech Stack: Front-End React Developers
  • Language Skills: Fully English speaking
  • Contract Length: Full time, +6 months preferred
  • Risk Free: 3 month trial, 7 day notice period
  • Intercultural Experience: Working across US and Europe
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Request a call with our team

Speak with one of our staff about your needs. We’ll answer any questions you have and suggest suitable candidates.

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Simple, Easy Set Up

Our developers slip easily into your recruitment process. We encourage interviews and coding challenges to show what they can do.

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Hassle Free Hiring

With a simple monthly fee to Onja, we manage payroll, holidays, leave benefits, local taxes and administration, removing the hassle from international hiring.

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Bring value to your business

Once hired, Onja developers work for your business from our co-working space in Madagascar, equipped with everything they need to provide value to your business. Still have questions?


Why hire with us?

Finding the right developers for your team is hassle-free with us. Our unique model finds and nurtures the best young talent in Madagascar to become world-class software developers.

Most of our clients end up renewing their contracts after the first year or hiring additional Onja developers.

Photo of Tantely

Our developers are incredible

  • They are talented: We train students in the top 1% of their peers.
  • They are committed: Starting from scratch, they learn advanced English and software development in just 2.5 years. They are smart, quick learners, and highly capable.
  • They have a great attitude: Coming from underprivileged backgrounds they are thrilled to have a career with you.
  • They are equipped with everything they need to work remotely, including fibre internet with backup connections, office space, call rooms, and computers.
Photo of Anita

You are making a real difference:

  • Life-changing income: The income our developers receive is life-changing, and not just for themselves. Many send funds home to help their families and support the education of their siblings.
  • Gender equality: 65% of our developers are bright young women.
  • Waves of impact: Onja empowers young people to become changemakers themselves. Every Onja developer enables more young people to receive the same training and opportunity.


Companies love working with us

Got Questions?

We have answers. If you can’t find what you are looking for – try our FAQs or let us know

How do I hire an Onja developer?

What is the tech stack of Onja Developers?

How much experience do your developers have?

What English level are Onja developers?

How much do you charge for your developer’s time?

How long can I hire an Onja developer for?

Can I hire a developer part-time?

Can the developers adapt to our time zone?

What equipment do your developers use?

Is it possible to relocate Onja developers to our physical location?

How do your contracts work?

Where do developers work from?

How is Onja securing your business data?

Get Started

Ready to make an impact with your next hire?

Request a call with the Onja team

  • Developer Experience: Minimum 1-2 years
  • Tech Stack: Front-End React Developers
  • Language Skills: Fully English speaking
  • Contract Length: Full time, +6 months preferred
  • Risk Free: 3 month trial, 7 day notice period
  • Intercultural Experience: Working across US and Europe

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