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In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the importance of building tech teams that are socially responsible cannot be overstated. As businesses strive to innovate and grow, it's crucial to recognise the impact they have on society and the responsibility they have in shaping a better future. So what is a socially responsible tech team? We define it as a tech team that is built intentionally with social impact and inclusivity in mind.

In this post, we'll talk about why it's valuable to build a socially responsible tech team and explore actionable steps for organisations to achieve this goal, drawing insights from our experience in training talented and underprivileged youth to become software developers in Madagascar.

Why build a socially responsible tech team?

Ethical considerations

Technology has the power to influence every aspect of our lives, from how we work to how we interact with each other and the world. A socially responsible tech team ensures that ethical considerations are at the forefront of decision-making processes, guarding against harmful consequences such as bias in algorithms, invasion of privacy, or perpetuation of inequality.

It’s great for your business:

When given the opportunity, people from underprivileged backgrounds often work much harder to retain that opportunity, because they deeply understand its value. Because of this, they also tend to have a greater loyalty to the companies they work with. In Onja’s case, rather than look for the next job, our developers really want to stay and grow with the business they’re working with. Companies who hire Onja’s developers often talk about their incredible work ethic and their readiness to learn.

It can help you build a stronger team:

Impact sourcing enables businesses to tap into a diverse talent pool that may otherwise be overlooked. By prioritising inclusivity and providing opportunities for individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, companies can benefit from a wide range of perspectives, fostering innovation, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities.

Positive social impact:

Beyond the realm of business, a socially responsible tech team has the potential to drive positive social change. By providing opportunities for underprivileged youth to acquire valuable skills in technology, organisations can empower them to break the cycle of poverty, contribute to economic development, and inspire others in their communities.

Creating a better future for all:

A lot of technological advancement that will impact the world at large is being driven by companies in the west, and often with the benefit of shareholders as a primary consideration. While there are more conversations happening now about safety and responsibility in tech development, this progress is mostly happening in silos, and with the same kinds of people at the helm. At Onja, we believe that the west has a lot to learn from the rest of the world, and that diversifying tech teams with people like our brilliant young developers can add incredibly valuable insights into the long term operations of our partner companies, and the tech industry generally.

How to build a socially responsible tech team:

Establish inclusive hiring practices:

Begin by evaluating your company’s hiring practices to ensure they are inclusive and accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds. You could implement measures like blind resume screening, providing training on unconscious bias, actively recruiting from underrepresented communities, and reflecting on your hiring process to make sure it’s approachable for a broad range of people. Actively looking for and partnering with impact sourcing businesses that specialise in training underprivileged youth, like Onja, can be a valuable resource in finding great talent.

Ensure a welcoming environment:

Make your impact hires feel more at home by creating a nurturing and inclusive workplace culture where everyone feels valued and supported in their growth journey. Provide mentorship, peer support and create spaces where people from diverse backgrounds can thrive. This could include initiatives like mentorship programmes, anonymous feedback channels or buddy systems with existing staff. A supportive environment helps all team members grow and ensures impact hires feel a true sense of belonging.

Foster a culture of social responsibility:

Embed social responsibility into the fabric of your organisation's culture. Encourage team members to actively engage in initiatives that give back to the community, whether through volunteering, mentorship programs, or pro bono projects. By aligning organisational values with social impact, you can inspire your team to make a difference both within and outside the workplace.

Continuously evaluate and improve:

Building a socially responsible tech team is an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation and improvement. You might look at any diversity and inclusion metrics that you measure (or embed measurement of these metrics into your systems), solicit feedback from team members, and adapt strategies accordingly. The important thing is to embrace a growth mindset and be open to learning from successes and failures alike, working towards a more inclusive and impactful future.


Building a socially responsible tech team is a strategic advantage in today's interconnected world. By prioritising diversity, inclusion, and social impact, organisations can create positive change while driving innovation and success.

If you’re looking for talent for your team, consider hiring with Onja. Our brilliant software developers come from underprivileged backgrounds but learned English language and coding to an international professional level in just 2.5 years. Head to onja.org/how-it-works to book a call with our team and learn more.

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  • Developer Experience: Minimum 1-2 years
  • Tech Stack: Front-End React Developers
  • Language Skills: Fully English speaking
  • Contract Length: Full time, +6 months preferred
  • Risk Free: 3 month trial, 7 day notice period
  • Intercultural Experience: Working across US and Europe
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