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Developer Stories - Meet Kati


Early life

I am a farmers’ daughter from Kelilanina, a beautiful village close to Ranomafana, one of Madagascar’s most famous nature reserves.

Apart from farming, my parents run a little shop where they sell bread, mofo gasy (a kind of Malagasy bread) and coffee. It makes their house one of the central meeting points in the village, where people gather and exchange news.

Before I joined Onja, my vision was to learn languages so I would be able to apply for good jobs that require language skills. Unfortunately, I couldn’t succeed in this due to the numerous expenses involved. After I completed my high school degree, I spent two years with no significant job opportunities. Instead, I devoted my time to assisting my parents with their bread sales for our food and my siblings' education.

Discovering Onja

For me, the Onja model is great as they give opportunities for young people like me to continue their studies. Most importantly, Onja not only provides us with English and coding courses but they also ensure that all of the developers get jobs in good companies.

My vision is to deepen my knowledge of anything in my field. I believe being open to learning is always the key to success, so that one day I can be more helpful to my family, my community, and even my country.

Exciting Future

Onja has changed my life both personally and professionally. Not only am I now independent but I am able to support my family’s basic needs. It also brings me great joy to know that I am actively contributing to the development and growth of my peers like me, empowering them with the same opportunities that they have enriched my own life.


IAOP Impact Sourcing Champions Index

Today Onja was recognised as a champion of impact sourcing on IAOP’s inaugural list of companies that have distinguished themselves as trailblazers in Impact Sourcing...

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Developer Stories - Meet Clopedia

At first, it was really hard to study at Onja. None of us thought we would be able to do it in those years. We couldn’t really speak English in the beginning, and class was quiet because we didn’t want to make mistakes...

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Who Moves and Jacquit

Jacquit comes from Andilamena in Madagascar’s rural north. His parents worked in far away villages, so Jacquit had to take care of his brothers and sisters for most of his childhood...

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Get Started

Ready to make an impact with your next hire?

Request a call with the Onja team

  • Developer Experience: Minimum 1-2 years
  • Tech Stack: Front-End React Developers
  • Language Skills: Fully English speaking
  • Contract Length: Full time, +6 months preferred
  • Risk Free: 3 month trial, 7 day notice period
  • Intercultural Experience: Working across US and Europe
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